samedi 10 décembre 2016

Salman Rushdie leads World Human Rights Day protest for Chinese writers

Author joins 120 others including JM Coetzee, Margaret Atwood and Neil Gaiman denouncing ‘the enforced silence of these friends and colleagues’
By Sian Cain

A protester with tape on his mouth stands in front of a noose that reads: ‘Kidnapping’ during a protest on 10 January over the Causeway Bay booksellers’ disappearances.

Salman Rushdie, JM Coetzee, Margaret Atwood
and Neil Gaiman are among more than 120 authors and activists calling on Xi Jinping to reverse his government’s fierce crackdown on writers and dissidents.
The number of detained and imprisoned writers in China is among the highest in the world. 
In an open letter released by freedom of speech group PEN International, and published in the Guardian on World Human Rights Day, the signatories condemn the constriction of freedom of expression by Chinese authorities and say they “cannot stand by as more and more of our friends and colleagues are silenced”.
The letter, which is also signed by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and Yann Martel, singles out the cases of several individuals, including Nobel peace laureate Liu Xiaobo, who is serving 11 years in prison; Liu’s wife, the poet Liu Xia, who has lived under house arrest in Beijing since 2010 despite never being accused of a crime; Uighur scholar Ilham Tohti, who is currently serving a life sentence in prison; journalist Gao Yu, who is currently under house arrest after serving almost two years in prison; and Gui Minhai, one of the five booksellers and publishers who disappeared in late 2015 after the Causeway Bay Bookstore in Hong Kong was raided for selling sensitive titles about Chinese politicians.
While the other four men have since been released on bail, Gui, a Swedish citizen, has not been seen publicly since January when he made a brief, tearful “confession” on state television about a hit-and-run accident in 2003. 
Gui’s daughter, Angela Gui told the Guardian that the Swedish embassy had told her they had seen her father in Beijing in March.
The letter also calls for the release of imprisoned members of the Independent Chinese PEN centre. Three ICPC members were detained for praying to commemorate the anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre, while seven other members are currently in prison, including former president of the ICPC Liu Xiaobo.
“The enforced silence of these friends and colleagues is deafening, and the disappearance of their voices has left a world worse off for this egregious injustice and loss,” the letter reads.
In June, ICPC members Lü Gengsong and Chen Shuqing were sentenced to more than 10 years each in prison, on charges of subversion for publishing pro-democracy essays on foreign websites, as well as promoting the banned Chinese Democratic Party. 
The two members were sentenced in Hangzhou, the eastern Chinese city that hosted the G20 in September. 
The harshness of their sentencing was attributed to a wider crackdown on writers and intellectuals in the lead-up to the global event. 
Since he came to power, Xi has overseen Operation Fox Hunt, repatriating Chinese fugitives abroad and bringing them to the mainland to face charges, usually of corruption.
“Today we call for their words to reverberate across the globe as we commit to fighting for their freedom until China heeds our call. On days like today, we have to reaffirm our refusal not to be complicit in their silence. We have to use our own words to give power to theirs,” the letter states. 
“China and the rest of the world can only be enriched by these opinions and voices. We therefore urge the Chinese authorities to release the writers, journalists, and activists who are languishing in jail or kept under house arrest for the crime of speaking freely and expressing their opinions.”
Salman Rushdie

Time for China to release writers, journalists and activists
Uighur scholar Ilham Tohti during his trial on separatism charges in Urumqi, Xinjiang region, in September 2014. He is currently serving a life sentence. 

Today, on World Human Rights Day, our Pen International community of writers, readers, activists and publishers condemn the Chinese authorities’ sustained and increasing attack on free expression and call for an immediate end to China’s worsening crackdown on fundamental human rights.
We cannot stand by as more and more of our friends and colleagues are silenced. 
Where is the voice of Ilham Tohti, the Uighur scholar and Pen member currently serving a life sentence, when his life’s work has been about creating peace and dialogue in China? 
Where is the voice of veteran journalist Gao Yu, who spent close to two years in prison and is now under house arrest? 
Where is the voice of publisher Gui Minhai, who disappeared from his holiday home in Thailand and is now being held incommunicado? 
Where is the voice of Nobel peace laureate and former president of the Independent Chinese Pen Centre, Liu Xiaobo, serving an 11-year prison sentence and the voice of his wife, the poet Liu Xia, who has been under house arrest for over six years without even having been accused of a crime?
These writers represent the many critical voices across China currently being silenced, including the imprisoned and persecuted members of the Independent Chinese Pen Centre: Yang Tongyan, Zhu Yufu, Lü Gengsong, Chen Shuqing, Hu Shigen, Qin Yongmin, Liu Yanli and Liu Feiyue; and honorary members Zhang Haitao, Sun Feng, Lu Yuyu, Li Tingyu, Huang Qi and Su Changlan
The enforced silence of these friends and colleagues is deafening, and the disappearance of their voices has left a world worse off for this egregious injustice and loss.
Today we call for their words to reverberate across the globe as we commit to fighting for their freedom until China heeds our call. 
On days like today we have to reaffirm our refusal not to be complicit in their silence. 
We have to use our own words to give power to theirs.
China and the rest of the world can only be enriched by these opinions and voices. 
We therefore urge the Chinese authorities to release the writers, journalists and activists who are languishing in jail or kept under house arrest for the crime of speaking freely and expressing their opinions.
We urge them to uphold freedom of expression and all human rights.

Abraham Zere          Pen Eritrea
William Nygaard     Pen Norway
Adriaan van Dis
Ah Phyu Yaung Shwe
Aleid Truijens
Alejandro Sánchez-Aizcorbe       Peruvian Pen
Alexander McCall Smith             Pen Writers Circle
Anders Heger                               Pen International
Andrew Solomon                         Pen America
Anna Nasiłowska                         Polish Pen
Annika Thor                                 Swedish Pen
Anotnio Della Rocca                   Pen Trieste
Baoqiang Sun
Burhan Sönmez                           Pen Writers Circle
Carles Torner                               Pen International
Carme Arenas                              Pen Catala
Catherine Vuylsteke
Chaw Ei Mahn
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Chit Kyi Aye
Christine Otten
Chu Cai
Colm Toibin                                Pen Writers Circle
De Novo
Depu He
Dr Mirror (Taung-gyi)
Elif Shafak                                  Pen Writers Circle
Eugene Schoulgin                       Pen International
Feng Hu
Fiona Graham                             Scottish Pen
Frank Mackay Anim-Appiah      Pen Ghana
Ghareeb Asqalani
Gloria Guardia                            Pen International
Go Go Mawlamyaing
Guozhen Xiao
Hakan Günday                           Pen Writers Circle
Han Zaw
Hanan Al Shaykh                       Pen Writers Circle
Hanan Awwad                            Pen Palestine
Htar Oak Thon
Iman Humaydan                         Pen Lebanon
Isabel Allende                             Pen Writers Circle
Jennifer Clement                         Pen International
Jianguo Zha
Jianhong Li
Jianhua Li
Jianzhen Qi
Jiro Asada                                    Japan Pen
JM Coetzee
Joanne Leedom-Ackermon          Pen International
Judyth Hill                                    Pen San Miguel
July Moe
Juraj Šebesta                                Slovak Pen
Khin Aung Aye
Khin Mg Oo
Khin Moe Shwe
Khin Mya Zin
Kyar Phyu New
Kyaw Zin Ko Ko
Kyawt Darli Lin
Lebao Wu
Let Yar Tun
Liyong Sun
Lucina Kathmann                              Pen International
Ma Thida                                           Pen International
Magali Tercero                                  Pen Mexico
Magda Carneci                                  Pen Romania
Manon Uphoff
Margaret Atwood                              Pen Writers Circle
Margie Orford                                   Pen South Africa
May Zun Aye
Mi Chan Wai
Michelle Franke                               Pen Centre USA
Mingmin Lin
Mircea Cartarescu
Mohamed Sheriff                            Pen International
Moris Farhi                                     Pen International
Mya Thway Ni
Myat Lwin Lwin Aung
Myat Su Lwin
Myay Hmone Lwin
Myo Myint Nyein                           Pen Myanmar
Nan Kyar Phyu
Nedzad Ibrahimovic                       Pen Bosnia-Herzegovina
Neil Gaiman
Nguyên Hoàng Bao                       Viêt Pen Suisse Romand
Ngwe Kyel Sin
Nyi Pu Lay
Per Øhrgaard                                Danish Pen
Per Wästberg                                Pen International
Ping Hu
Randy Boyagoda                          Pen Canada
Regula Venske                              Pen Germany
Renate Dorrestein
Salil Tripathi                                Pen International
Salman Rushdie                           Pen Writers Circle
Samay Hamed                             Afghan Pen
Saw Wai
Shiying Zhao
Shwe Eain Si May
Shwe Naung Yoe
Sirpa Kähkönen                          Finnish Pen
Sjón                                            Icelandic Pen
Sofi Oksanen                              Pen Writers Circle
Suu Mie Aung
Suzanne Nossel                         Pen America
Syeda Aireen Jaman                 Pen Bangladesh
Thet Wai Hnin (Aung Lan)
Tienchi Liao                             Independent Chinese Pen Centre
Tung Van Vu                            Vietnamese Abroad Pen Centre
Vida Ognjenovic                      Pen Serbia
Vonne van der Meer                 Pen Netherlands
Waheed Warasta                       Pen Afghanistan
Wenxiu Lin
Willem Jan Otten
Yann Martel                             Pen International
Ye Shan
Yeliang Xia
Yongmei Cai
Yrsa Sigurdardóttir
Yu Zhang
Zeynep Oral                             Pen Turkey
Zhao Chen

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