jeudi 13 février 2020

Shocking Truth

Sen. Ben Sasse: "Communism is the perfect incubator for Chinese coronavirus outbreak"
By Spencer Neale
Sen. Ben Sasse

Sen. Ben Sasse blamed the Chinese Communist Party's malfeasance and misrule amid the rapidly spreading coronavirus that has killed more than 1,000 people.
The Nebraska Republican, writing for USA Today on Wednesday, said that communism is the perfect incubator for an outbreak to occur and highlighted Chinese whistleblowers who have been punished for sounding the alarm on the illness.
"China’s predatory system preys on its own people," wrote Sen. Sasse.
"Trials become tragedies, crises become catastrophes, and the bosses in Beijing exploit their own failures as cover for new and worse abuses."
In the weeks following the outbreak, China has quarantined more than 50 million of its people as roving cement trucks spray clouds of disinfectant along deserted city streets
Reports of crematoriums in Wuhan working "24/7" to process "100s of bodies" have led to claims that the Chinese government is covering up the true scale of the epidemic.
Chinese dictator Xi Jinping wore a face mask in one of his first public appearances since the outbreak this week.
"If the tyrants in Beijing acknowledge their mistakes, they chip away at their own right to rule," wrote Sasse. 
"Inevitably, their response is to sweep problems under the rug and demand even greater control over the lives of 1.4 billion Chinese citizens — evermore invasive surveillance, evermore complete submission to CCP ideological propaganda. This is a risky game."Sen. Sasse is one of Congress's most skeptical voices in regards to China. 
He blasted NBA basketball players for backing the country during protests in Hong Kong, and he lashed out against the United Kingdom's potential implementation of China-backed Huawei's 5G internet infrastructure last month, saying Britain was inviting "surveillance state commies" to help build out its future internet.

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