dimanche 23 octobre 2016

Poisoning the World

10 Foods Made In China That Are Full With Cancer Causing Chemicals, Plastic And Pesticides

Recently, a large number of people have started to avoid the Chinese products, since the Chinese food industry has lack of standards. 
It is not difficult to understand the reason for this.
Namely, the food items that China has been producing and selling for years are pretty cheap, fake and toxic.
There is still no evidence whether those products are being sold in the USA, but the websites such as Amazon.com, eBay, Ali Express and many others have been seen selling products which were made and shipped straightly from China either discreetly or openly.
In this article, we are going to present you 10 illegal Chinese food products which were made by harmful substances that can really damage your health. 
You should think twice before you decide to buy food products from those online stores, shipped straightly from China. 
We advise you to stay away from the following products:
1. Imitation Eggs
It is absolutely unbelievable that Chinese people publish videos on Chinese websites giving instructions of how to make and sell fake eggs and earn $70 daily for that. 
Those fake eggs contain dangerous chemicals such as Potassium Alum, Alginic Acid, Calcium Chloride, Gelatin, artificial colors and water. 
The eggshells contain Calcium Carbonate.
These chemicals may cause dementia and memory-loss. 
You should be extremely careful since this kind of food can seriously damage your health and the health of the whole your family.
2. Walnuts filled with cement
A Chinese guy, who bought walnuts in Zhengzhou, China in 2012, found broken pieces of concrete inside the shell. 
The “manufacturers” of the walnut-cement, put the cement into a piece of paper and wrapped it to prevent the noise inside the shell, when it is shaken.
The inventor of these walnuts created them in order to get more money by selling them since they were heavier than the real ones.
3. Beef made of pork
In China the pork is cheaper than the beef and some Chinese restaurants sell pork instead of beef. Before it is being sold, they make some chemistry on the meet which changes its content.
They add a glazing agent on a beef extract to “marinate” it. 
This stays on the meet for more than an hour. 
The long-term consumption of this fake meat causes deformity, slow poisoning and cancer. 
Medical experts highly recommend you to avoid the fake meat.

4. Fake green peas
The fake green peas were found in 2005 in the Hunan Province, China. 
A story was published in the local newspaper where it was said that those peas remained hard after the process of boiling and turned the water unnaturally green.
The people who have created those fake peas were selling them in order to make a lot of money. 
The peas had been produced in an illegal workshop for three years before the investigation was made and before that place was shut down by the authorities.
The fake peas were made by soy beans and snow peas which contained sodium metabisulfate, as preservative and bleach and green dye as well. 
The usage of this dye is banned since it is cancer causing and may prevent the absorption of calcium in the body.

5. Baby formula
In CBS News it was announced that almost 50 people have been accused of producing fake baby formula which is the reason for dozens of children’s deaths in the Fuyang Province in China in 2004. Its main ingredient was chalk which caused swelling of the children’s heads and slow deterioration of their bodies too, known as “big head disease”.

6. Industrial salt
The industrial salt is known as “unfit for human consumption” and people must not consume it. 
Since it is cheaper than the normal salt, 788 tons of the industrial salt was sold by 12 people over the period of 13 years.
It was sold as table salt. 
This dangerous salt causes physical and mental illnesses, hypothyroid and reproductive system problems. 
Be very careful of the type of salt you buy!

7. Instead of black pepper they sold mud
As reported by the local news a market vendor in Guandong Province in China sold mud as black pepper! 
Another shocking thing was that he made the white pepper out of flour. 
He was caught by the authorities and his excuse was shocking too! 
He said that he was selling it since it could not kill the people.
If we take into consideration that the Chinese Authorities will not investigate the fake foods until they make someone die, it means there are too many chemicals and fake items being sold every day just because they do not have lethal consequences.

8. Fake sweet potato noodles
In Zhongshan, China the authorities discovered a facility where 5.5 tons of fake sweet potato noodles were made. 
Many people complained that those potato noodles tasted strangely.
After the investigation started, the authorities found that the fake noodles contained paraffin wax, corn and an industrial color which gave them purple color. 
All consumers that like sweet potato noodles were shocked!

9. Fake Ginseng
The ginseng root has been used by the Chinese people for more than 3,000 years. 
Since it has so many health benefits its price started to increase rapidly. Chinese people were trying to find out a solution to make profit of selling ginseng. 
They made the roots heavier by boiling them in sugar.
According to Wei Feng, a medicine expert from the National Institute for Food and Drug Control in China, this is a serious problem not only because merchants rip off their customers, but also because ginseng root loses its medicinal values in the process of boiling in sugar.
According to the test Wei Feng has conducted, the natural ginseng contains 20% sugar, while the fake one has 70% sugar which cannot be beneficial for our health.

10. Plastic Rice
A large amount of fake rice made of potatoes and synthetic resin was discovered by the Authorities in China. 
Like the fake peas, the fake rice had the very same characteristics.
It remained hard after the process of boiling and its long-term usage may cause cancer as well. 
The main purpose for producing fake and toxic types of food was the money profit.
Rice called “Wuchang” was an imitation of the natural rice, made by the scam artists in China.

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